
Comment left on Running Commentary:

  1. Lorna Vassallo Thursday, 24 April 1110hrs I discovered your comments lately.We’ll soon be seeing each other in court I guess … dear Daphne.

    And Jacques-Rene too.

    See you

The honeymoon’s over. Following the incredible question as to whether Topless Sunbathing is Indecent, the venerable halls of the courts of Malta will rebound with another essential question: Does pointing out the grammatical bloopers of another person amount to libel? Sandro… you have been warned.

7 responses to “Uh-Oh!

  1. I know Lorna very well.

    She is a nice person.

    I will invite her to the Blogger’s Dinner: 13th June 2008


  2. M’ghandiex x’taghmel din Lorna. If awakening a sleeping giant. and being mentioned much more often on DCG’s blog is what she’s after, her wish will come true.

  3. norganizzalek gabra ghall-ispejjez tal-Qorti?

  4. “That’s Not Funny”

    This heading should be on this blog post.

    I’ve just received a telephone call and was told that I shall not be charged with libel.

    Frankly I couldn’t care less and as a showing of solidarity towards my fellow blogger Jacques, I shall be engaging in a blogging-strike – for four days abstaining from blogging and also abstaining from updating Maltamedia’s blogosphere pages for the day of tomorrow. I shall do all this both as a sign of solidarity as well as a result of the fact that I just don’t feel like it.

    Ok – I did kind of feel like it but the fire of inspiration has been extinguished for now.

    I’ve known Lorna for many years and know only too well that she knows how to take a joke. I’ve known Jacques for a much shorter time than I’ve known Lorna – since last December I’d say – and he is isn’t a heavy-player like myself when it comes to jokes. I’m not sure what exactly happened, but whatever happened I do not believe that these kinds of things are to be resolved within the courts.

    Courts its a lot of hassle, crap, mucking around and such. I know and respect and love you to bits Lorna, but this time, in this I cannot take your side.

    Lorna, if you could witness the true horror of my grasp of the english language you would surely come out with honours. And you’ve no idea how Jacques picks upon me just as I pick on his Maltese (never mind that most of his errors are just misprints, just like parts of Labour’s manifesto was).

    I know that Jacques has no need of my solidarity and that he can wipe his polished (or it is wooded?) buttocks with it but this is my position for those who may be interested in knowing it. Let me get on with my work.

    P.S. my previous comment re the Blogger’s Dinner invitation was written prior to receiving the aforementioned telephone call, as I initially thought that Lorna was only kidding.

    Daphne just does not understand Benigni just as Lorna doesn’t understand Jacques.

    “Malta is not a country. Malta is a place where people are born.” This is what I was once told by one who left Malta so as not to die of a rant-induced heart-attack.

    Holy Moly Benigni! I love you as I do the sight of my eyes itself but when you praised this country you committed a gaffe that not even Berlusconi shall likely be paralleling.

    You may find this comment on my blog as a post: http://www.sandrovella.org

  5. Sakemm Jacques jaghmel il-parti tieghu l-habs tistghu taraw bloggati ta’ nies ohrajn fuq dan il-link:


    Napprezzaw jekk ixxandru dan il-link mal-bloggers kollha u mal-qarrejja taghkom.

  6. fabrizioellul

    Can you actually do that?

    I read Daphne’s (can you get ice-cream headache from mentioning a name?) and yours on Lorna. I believe that the whole affair will amount to a mount ‘maghtab’ of jibberish.

    If you make things public, then you have to accept criticism.

  7. fabrizioellul

    (…rush comment)

    ‘discovered your comment lately …’ get it?

    Are we in for the ‘adventures of lorna in cyper-space’?

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